Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Can you film the answer to poverty?

I recently received an email from the European People's Party (EPP) promoting a 60 second film competition on how to tackle poverty in the EU. Prizes include having your film recorded in a DVD collection of entries, and, of course, a possible trip to Brussels. The rationale of the competition is:

"The European People’s Party and its Group in the Committee of the Regions believes that it is important to give you the chance to show us what you think about the European Union and its policies. Nearly 80 million people – or 16% of the EU population – are living below the poverty line today and facing serious obstacles in accessing employment, education, housing, social and financial services, particularly in urban areas. During the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion and at a time of financial and economic crisis, the EPP is keen to hear ideas about how to stop poverty from young adults given that you are at a stage in your life where uncertainty and vulnerability is everywhere."

You can read about the competition here.

It good to see some attempt for the group to reach out to people directly rather than only through national parties, but I wonder how many people received this email. I'm not an EPP member, so I suspect I only received it because I'm a blogger and therefore might enter an internet-based competition - have EPP members received it too?

(Perhaps towards the end the EPP will promote its own views a bit more...?)

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